Hi Everyone!
As you may have noticed, I haven't posted in a few weeks. Don't worry though, I'll be back to weekly posts soon enough, once my school schedule winds down again after Easter. Here's what I've been up to in the mean time:
- I finally did modules three and four of the Diversity and Inclusion training. I really like that it talks a lot about bias and assumptions. A lot of people aren't aware of how their own bias and past experiences influence the decisions that they make. Module four was my favourite, where we broke into small groups and used all the skills we'd been learning about to plan an event and consider all the barriers that might stop people from attending.
- I also attended the Leg Up training convention. I did a few sessions, but my favourite was the Gather Town social event. It was so cool to "walk around" and talk and play games with other people. I met some people that I follow on Instagram, and some people even recognized me from Tiktok! It sure is a small world.
- I've also just finished all of the Ranger badges! The last theme badge I needed to earn was Your Action, which has been pretty tricky because of all of the Lockdown and Stay-at-Home orders lately. But, I managed to adapt my projects and get it done.
- I've been reading up on accessibility tools that people use online, like screen readers, and I learned that in order for a screen reader to describe an image, it needs to have alt text with it. So over the next couple of weeks I'll be adding alt text to any pictures I've posted here so far.
I haven't been attending meetings much (again, school's been pretty busy and I just needed a break), but I've been kept in the loop on what the Brownies have been up to. For the past couple of weeks they've been using knitting spools to make coasters and trivets. It took them a few weeks, so this would be great if you've got a few weeks where you don't want to teach anything new and you just want to craft and hang out. if your girls don't have knitting spools, all they'll need to make one is a toilet paper tube, four popsicle sticks or chopsticks (or anything else long and skinny), and some tape. Crochet hooks make it easier, but you can also just use your fingers.
So that's what I've been up to lately. I'm going to start attending meetings again in a few weeks, so I'll see you then!
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