Music is a huge part of my life outside of Guiding. I play five instruments (piano, french horn, accordion, handbells, and ukulele), and have been involved in various music groups. When I became interested in Girl Guide uniforms and badges and wanted to start collecting, I didn't really know where to start. But then I saw someone on Facebook post about their collection of reading badges, and I thought that it was a great idea! So I started collecting music badges from various time periods and countries. I have also included some generals "Arts" badges that have music symbols or imagery on them. So far my collection includes twenty five badges from Canada and the UK, and I am always looking for more on buy-and-sell sites.
Girl Guides of Canada

| Art Studio 2018- Girls First |

| Singer 1971-1995 Called “Minstrel” 1968-1971 |

| Musician 1971-1995 |

| Arts Appreciation Outlook 1995-2004 The Brownie Programme: For Fun and Adventure! |

| Share Your Talent for Music 2004-2018 Brownies can do it!: The Brownie Program Book |

| SSSS (Sound, Surround, Soothe, Stimulate) 2004-2018 Brownies can do it!: The Brownie Program Book |

| Team Together 2004-2018 Brownies can do it!: The Brownie Program Book |

| Art Studio 2018- Girls First |

| Singing 1964-2009 Called “Singer” 1964-2005 |

| Musician 1965-1995 Called “Minstrel” 1965-1971 |

| Music Fan 1965-2009 Called “Music Lover” 1965-1971 Called “Music Appreciation” 1971-2005 |

| Folklore 1973-1994 |

| Musician 1995-2005 The Guide Program: for fun and challenge! |

| Music Fan 2009-2018 Guides on the Go! The Guide Program |

| Singing 2009-2018 Guides on the Go! The Guide Program |

| Arts Discovery Badge 2019- Girls First |

| Get Musical 2006-2018 The Pathfinder Program: Listen, Learn, Lead, Live! |
Scouts Canada

| Musician Unknown-1968 |
Girlguiding UK

| Musician 1931-2000

| Music Lover 1933-2000 |

| Musician 2000-2018 |

| Music Group 2000-2013 |

| Music Zone 2002-2013 |
Scouts UK

| Musician Staged Badge 1 2002-2018 (2018- with new logo) |
Here are some sources that I found helpful in my research, big thanks to anyone who was involved in creating them:
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