This week we combined science and the arts to learn about the science of sound!
7:00pm - Opening and Welcome
7:15pm - Sound Waves
We looked at some diagrams of sound waves (From this slide deck) and talked about how echoes work, and why small instruments make high sounds and big instruments make low sounds.
7:25pm - Videos
We were going to watch some videos of people playing boom whackers and glass bottles (in the slide deck), but to be honest I completely forgot about them. We had some technical difficulties that resulted in the meeting starting a few minutes late, and the girls were ready to start experimenting so we just went straight to that.
7:30pm - Experimenting
Once we were done with all the talking, we sent the girls off to experiment. They all brought cups and they filled them with water to make different pitches. I also suggested that they try tapping the cups with different objects to see if they could make different sounds. Then we all shared the songs we'd written on our homemade instruments!
Some notes:
- Cups made of paper of soft plastic aren't going to resonate when you hit them. Instead, fill the cup with water to the desired level and then pull plastic wrap tightly over the top and secure it with tape.
- Out of all the utensils I tried, a pen with a rubber grip (or anything else with rubber on it) made the best sound when tapped against a glass.
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