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Showing posts from March, 2021

Blog Update - March 2021

 Hi Everyone! As you may have noticed, I haven't posted in a few weeks. Don't worry though, I'll be back to weekly posts soon enough, once my school schedule winds down again after Easter. Here's what I've been up to in the mean time: I finally did modules three and four of the Diversity and Inclusion training. I really like that it talks a lot about bias and assumptions. A lot of people aren't aware of how their own bias and past experiences influence the decisions that they make. Module four was my favourite, where we broke into small groups and used all the skills we'd been learning about to plan an event and consider all the barriers that might stop people from attending. I also attended the Leg Up training convention. I did a few sessions, but my favourite was the Gather Town social event. It was so cool to "walk around" and talk and play games with other people. I met some people that I follow on Instagram, and some people even recognized me ...