Pathfinders and Rangers, this one's for you! I've lead many meetings throughout my time in Pathfinders and Rangers, and I've also seen many meetings lead by my peers (and myself) that didn't go exactly as planned. So, here's my tips on how to plan a fun and engaging meeting!
1. Prepare questions to guide the discussion
Sometimes everyone is engaged in the discussion and it kind of guides itself, but have some questions or prompts ready just incase your unit isn't feeling that talkative. Open ended questions tend to work best as they leave room for many different answers and opinions.
2. Don't be afraid to do "kid" things
Just because you are in Pathfinders or Rangers doesn't mean that you can't do crafts, play games, and sing songs. Before the holidays I lead my unit in making SWAPS and singing campfire songs, and we had a great time.
3. Take advantage of online resources
A popular attitude right now is that there are so many things that we used to do in person that we can't do online, but think about it this way: there are also so many things to do online that we can't do in person. In a virtual setting it's super easy to watch videos and play online games together, so why not incorporate those into your meeting?
4. Don't be afraid to look outside of the Girls First platform
There isn't a rule that you can only use activities from the Girls First platform, so don't be afraid to modify those activities to better suit your needs, or look in other sources. When you are looking for ideas you can check old program books, provincial challenges, Girl Guide and Girl Scout blogs (check out my virtual meeting resource tab!), Facebook groups, or websites for organizations in other countries (Girlguiding UK and Scouts UK both have lots of cool activities available online). The great thing about Girls First is that you can do pretty much anything and fit it into a Theme badge, so just pick activities that you think would be fun to do.
5. Always have a backup plan
Have a few no-prep activities ready just in case an activity doesn't work, or you finish all the activities really quickly. I've found that for my Ranger unit it takes us a lot less time to complete activities online because there aren't any side conversations happening, and it doesn't take as long to transition from one activity to the next. Keep this in mind when you are planning, and prepare a few more activities than you would if you were in person.
6. Make a PowerPoint
If you're going to be showing any pictures, videos, or instructions during your meeting, put them in a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation. This way you don't have to flip back and forth between several tabs, and you won't have to repeat the instructions because they are on the screen for everyone to see.
7. Lead with confidence
If you want your unit to participate enthusiastically, then lead with enthusiasm! Even if you are nervous, or you only made the meeting plan thirty minutes ago and therefore don't really know what you're talking about (I've definitely never done that!), acting enthusiastic will set a fun and upbeat tone for the meeting. And, you might even trick yourself into feeling a bit more confident!
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