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Chemistry Night

 This week my Brownie unit had a special guest. My mom, a Community Guider in our area, came to our meeting and lead us in some chemistry experiments. We learned about ink chromatography, and the difference between baking soda and baking powder.

For those who don't know: Baking soda is a base and when combined with an acid (like vinegar or lemon juice) it produces carbon dioxide. This is what causes the bubbles in a baking soda and vinegar volcano. Baking powder, on the other hand, contains both an acid and a base, and produces bubbles when combined with any liquid. Here's some more information on the difference between them. Here's some information on the pH scale.

7:00pm: Opening and welcome

7:10pm: Baking soda and baking powder

To show the difference between baking soda and baking powder we did three experiments on each one, mixing them with water, juice, and vinegar. Here's what you'll need for this experiment:
  • Six bowls or glasses
  • Spoons
  • Baking soda
  • Baking powder
  • Water (Neutral)
  • Vinegar or lemon juice (Acidic)
  • Fruit juice (Acidic or basic depending on the type)
Here's what should happen for each of the combinations:
  • Water and baking soda: no reaction because water is neutral and baking soda is a base
  • Vinegar (or lemon juice) and baking soda: will cause bubbles because vinegar is an acid and baking soda is a base
  • Fruit juice and baking soda: varying amounts of bubbles depending on the type of juice (Cranberry juice is very acidic, but make sure it is 100% juice, and not juice cocktail)
  • Water and baking powder: will cause bubbles because baking powder will react with any liquid
  • Vinegar and baking powder: will cause bubbles
  • Fruit juice and baking powder: will cause bubbles
Then we looked at some recipes that use baking soda and baking powder as rising agents. 

7:40pm: Ink Chromatography

Our second experiment was ink chromatography. Chromatography is the technique of separating a mixture, in this case marker ink. When you do the experiment you'll be able to see all the individual colours that are mixed to make the ink. Here's what you'll need for this experiment:
  • A coffee filter or piece of paper towel
  • A dark-coloured marker
  • A pencil
  • Scissors
  • Water
  • A bowl or glass

Coffee filter paper in with smears of rainbow ink on it in a glass of water.

8:00pm: Closing and goodbye


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Hi everyone! My name is Elizabeth, and I've been a member of Girl Guides of Canada for 13 years. I started in Brownies (now called Embers) and went all the way to Rangers, as well as volunteering as a Girl Assistant with an Ember Unit for six years. I am currently in Link, as well as volunteering as a Brand Ambassador. I created this blog to share all the resources and meeting plans I made for online meetings while we could not meet in-person due to Covid-19. I am not currently a Guider, but I do still update this blog occasionally when I think of something new. I am currently in university, and I hope to become a Guider once I've got some more free time. If you'd like to see more from me, check out my TikTok . Quick disclaimer: This is my personal blog. It is not an official Girl Guides of Canada source. It is not meant to imply GGC approval of any materials posted, unless specifically noted. If you would like official GGC information, please visit  https://www.girlguides....