This week we started working on the My Physical Self badge! I wasn't sure how well this meeting would work out, but at the end of the meeting the girls said that they had a lot of fun! 7:00 pm: Opening and welcome I asked the girls if they did anything fun this week and most of them said that they couldn't remember. We're under a stay-at-home order right now, so that's pretty fair. 7:10 pm: Sports Charades This activity is super simple, all you need is a list of sports . I privately messaged each girl a sport and they acted it out for the rest of the group. Any guesses the girls had went in the chat to avoid everyone yelling over each other. 7:30 pm: Sock Ball Bingo I heard about Sock Ball Bingo in the spring and I've been waiting a while to try it out. I was super fun, and all each girl needed was a bingo card and a ball (or a pair of socks, as the name suggests). Instead of using the pre-made bingo cards that are included with the game instructions, I had all t...