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Virtual Camp

This weekend we had our virtual camp! We decided to keep it to one night, since it was our first time, but it was a success and I would definitely be open to planning a two-night virtual camp in the future if our Brownies are interested. 

A week before we sent out the activity book for camp. The first half is activities that they could do during the week to prepare for camp (Making a bedroll, learning about Leave No Trace, etc). If they sent us pictures of these activities completed, then they earned their Camper Discovery Badge. The second part of the activity book was the schedule for the virtual camp, and what supplies they would need.

Here is the activity book, you can use it as inspiration for your own virtual camp:

We opened camp on Friday at 6:30pm for our first activity: giving each other tours of our tents and blanket forts. It was a bit cooler than usual on Friday, but almost half of them slept outside. I was impressed at the blanket fort designs that they came up with.

Our craft for the night was night lights. I took pictures ahead of time and shared my screen so that everyone could see the steps.

The rest of the activities for the evening were offline, with a night hike and pre-recorded bedtime stories.

On Saturday morning we got together again for another craft and a talent show. The craft was a bedroll SWAP. You can find the instructions here:

Everyone had a lot of fun, and the cleanup at the end of camp took almost no time!


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Hi everyone! My name is Elizabeth, and I've been a member of Girl Guides of Canada for 13 years. I started in Brownies (now called Embers) and went all the way to Rangers, as well as volunteering as a Girl Assistant with an Ember Unit for six years. I am currently in Link, as well as volunteering as a Brand Ambassador. I created this blog to share all the resources and meeting plans I made for online meetings while we could not meet in-person due to Covid-19. I am not currently a Guider, but I do still update this blog occasionally when I think of something new. I am currently in university, and I hope to become a Guider once I've got some more free time. If you'd like to see more from me, check out my TikTok . Quick disclaimer: This is my personal blog. It is not an official Girl Guides of Canada source. It is not meant to imply GGC approval of any materials posted, unless specifically noted. If you would like official GGC information, please visit  https://www.girlguides....