Our virtual meetings have been fun, but I feel like we've been missing some of the Girl Driven planning. A lot of our go-to brainstorming methods require being able to move around, like dot-mocracy or picking sides, but you know what doesn't? A survey!
The easiest way that I know how to make a survey is Google Forms, You can send a link to your families, and they don't need a Google account to fill it out. I know some other people who prefer Survey Monkey, since you don't need a Google account to make the survey.
Most of the questions were around our summer meetings. We wanted to know from our Brownies and their families how often they want to meet over the summer, and what they want to do. I also included a list of basic craft supplies and asked them to check off the ones that they have at home. That way we can pick crafts that everyone will have the supplies for. Most of them picked every-other week, and we've had a lot of requests for more crafts.
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